6:45 - Mountaintop run
8:00 - Breakfast
9:00 - Viewpoints
11:00 - Meisner
1:00 - Lunch
2:30 - Guided Journaling
3:00 - Wilderness Lore
5:00 - Martial Arts
5:45 - Conditioning
6:15 - Fire Laying
7:15 - Dinner
9:00 - Evening Session
"Meisner In The Mountains"
Not in a studio, but barefoot in the Vermont highlands, developing our awareness for self and space;
Not just acting theory and classes, but a welcoming environment and ensemble in which to challenge ourselves and make personal discoveries;
The Barr Hill Players Summer Fellowship is more than just a training intensive and a staged reading of new work. It is an invitation to step outside what is routine and expected, and step into a small group of dedicated actors choosing to come together in mutual commitment to their craft.
The main focus of our acting curriculum is letting go of our need to "perform." We often place heavy expectations on ourselves to be sufficiently funny or dramatic with all our acting choices. We shoot down one impulse after another for being "wrong" or "too weird," but in reality, these impulses often hold more truth and power than anything our "clever artist minds" can come up with. As a result, most of our class time is devoted to learning how to get out of our own way and just be present with whatever our bodies or our partners give us.
It is our firm belief that actors only benefit from approaching their training with the same discipline, rigor, and eye for specificity as any martial artist. In order to balance all of the (often elusive) emotional work we do, a heavy emphasis is placed on developing our physical instrument. We use exercises from a variety of sources to promote strength, stamina, balance, and coordination. Our goal is developing greater awareness and access to our bodies, which in turn makes us more capable, dynamic theatre makers - more actively involved in the creative process with each other and our directors.
Each morning begins with a mile-long cross-country jog through the woods towards a mountaintop meditation. From this point on, we move as an ensemble throughout the day, from meals to class time to campfire chats. We take full advantage of our unique location, not only by holding all lessons outdoors or in open-air spaces, but also by incorporating lessons from several non-traditional sources such as archery, fire-laying, and mindfulness exercises. Nighttime activities alternate between Evening Sessions (outdoor events designed to promote team-building and self-confidence even in unfamiliar circumstances) and recreational activities such as board game night and "sea shanty night," for which students are welcome to join or else personal time and catch some extra sleep.
Feedback (2023) - staged reading at La MaMa Galleria, produced by the Barr Hill Players
Home Country Dress (2024) - staged reading at Alchemical Studios, produced by the Barr Hill Players
The fellowship will culminate in an ensemble-driven workshop and staged reading of a new play. The reading offers Fellows an exploratory, process-focused opportunity to transition their new acting tools and creative bonds from Barr Hill back to the outer world.
The 2024 Fellowship staged reading will take place at La MaMa Galleria (47 Great Jones St, NYC, NY) on July 17 @ 4PM. Play(s) featured will be announced in May 2024.
For the 2024 fellowship, dates will be as follows:​
July 7: Transit and kickoff on Barr Hill (Greensboro, VT)
July 8-14: Core intensive (Greensboro, VT)
July 15: Staged reading rehearsal on Barr Hill (Greensboro, VT)
July 16: Group transit from VT to NYC (New York, NY)
July 17: Full-day rehearsal & staged reading (New York, NY)
The Barr Hill Players is located at Geldo Acres Retreat Center, an intimate private grounds on our namesake mountain, Barr Hill, in Greensboro VT.
For the VT intensive, BHP provides dormitory-style, co-ed housing in a loft above our studio space. Fellows have access to electricity, running water, and indoor plumbing. Cots and pillows are provided, and Fellows bring their own sleeping bags. Expect a “summer camp cabin” rustic experience, but not tent camping!
Photos of our grounds and accommodations can be found on the “Gallery” page - and more information on Fellowship logistics can be found on our "FAQ" page!